Learning & Assessment
Assessment is essential in order to extend children’s learning. It provides a framework from which objectives can be set and it can be used to inform planning, children’s next steps, resources and training. Emmanuel School’s assessment procedures are free from bias, stereotyping and generalisation in respect of gender, class, race and stage on the SEN code of practice.
At Emmanuel we use assessment (formative assessment) during a unit of work, and this would be incorporated into our teaching. The results of these ongoing assessments directly impact teaching materials and strategies employed in the classroom. We aim, through assessment, to inform children of their next steps and this is directly linked with marking, questioning and feedback.
At various points during the year we do carry out formal (summative) assessments. Reading and spelling age tests are undertaken twice a year. We use levelled tests in May/Jun to identify individual progress, individual targets and planning. These outcomes are communicated to parents through annual reports and parents’ evenings. One report for each child is sent to parents, once a year, at the end of the summer term. These annual reports outline a child’s progress in all areas of the National Curriculum. Teachers will comment on the attainment of a pupil in terms of national age related expectations. For children at the end of Key Stages 1 & 2, additional information including details of the SATs testing will also be provided. Parents are invited to attend formal consultations with the teacher during the autumn and spring terms. Parents are welcome to discuss the progress of their child with the teacher or Head teacher at other times.
At the end of Key Stage 1 & 2 the children take the national SATs tests. The KS2 tests are externally marked. Our previous years’ SATs results can be found here (click on the link to open the document). Because of small class sizes at Emmanuel percentage scores do not give a full picture of the abilities and progress of the children. 1 child in a class of 4 amounts to 25% and can quickly distort the school’s figures.
On entry to the school, children will be formally assessed. Results are used to inform planning and aid early identification of special educational needs. Children will be observed and assessed regularly to ensure that the next steps in learning are appropriately planned in order to help children make progress. Pupils will be assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) which is based on the teacher’s ongoing observations and assessments.
The curriculum is planned effectively through long term, medium term and short term planning. This provides continuity and progression. Through the provision of rich and varied activities, we aim to:
Encourage the best possible progress and the highest achievement for all pupils
Enable pupils to make connections and transfer skills across different areas of learning
Help pupils to think creatively and solve problems
Develop pupils’ capacity to learn and work both independently and together
Enable pupils to respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities
Enable pupils to acquire and develop a broad range of knowledge, skills and understanding
Where appropriate Christian perspectives and principles, and British values are brought out naturally within the context of the planned learning outcomes of a scheme of work as well as on an occasional informal basis where staff will respond to pupil questions. We ensure that children have a range of learning experiences that stretch, challenge, stimulate and promote thinking, learning and character development.
In line with the Government’s PREVENT duty Emmanuel School actively encourages British Values. This is coupled with our Christian faith, where compassion, respect, tolerance and unconditional love of all people are foundational to what we believe. These British Values are:
Individual liberty
The rule of law
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs (also the duty to promote tolerance of those with protected characteristics under the Equalities Act 2010)