Latest Inspection

Emmanuel has gained accreditation through the Independent Schools Council and is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. ISI is approved for the purpose of inspection under Section 109 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 and reports to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements.

ISI Inspectors visited Emmanuel School in February 2024 for an inspection. You can download a copy of the report using the button above.

The report comments on the school’s compliance with the Independent Schools Standards and Regulations (ISSRs).  For this aspect the school is either found to be compliant or not.  We were pleased that the school has met all of the requirements in the ISSRs. 

ISI’s inspection framework was updated for the academic year 2023-24. You can find more information about ISI’s Inspection Framework here

We are really pleased with these findings and believe them to be a positive representation of the school.

To read previous inspection reports on Emmanuel please click here.