Previous Inspections

Emmanuel School has gained accreditation through the Independent Schools Council and is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. ISI is approved for the purpose of inspection under Section 109 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 and reports to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements.

Prior to gaining accreditation with the Independent School’s Council, Emmanuel was inspected by The Bridge Schools’ Inspectorate. Their report, dated 2012, can be found on the BSI Website.

The school received a Regulatory Compliance Inspection in the Autumn of 2016 and the full report can be read on the ISI website.

The ISI inspectors made a follow up visit in April 2017.  You can read the full report of their short visit here.

The ISI inspectors made a follow up visit in November 2017.  You can read the full report of their short visit here.

The ISI inspectors made a follow up visit in September 2018.  You can read the full report of their short visit here.

Inspectors visited in September 2019 for a Focussed Compliance Inspection and Educational Quality Inspection.