Parents Meetings
Teachers will be available on Wednesday for in-person Parents’ Meetings. Online meetings will be available on different days during the week commencing 26th September. Sign up sheets will be available close to the time.

Celebration of Achievement
All children from Reception to Year 6 will receive a certificate celebrating their achievements this academic year. We will also celebrate and say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 students.

EYU Sports Day
The children in Nursery and Reception will be enjoying lots of different activities and parents are welcome to come and watch them take part.

KS1-KS2 Transition Meeting
Parents of children who are moving into Year 3 in September can come into school and meet with Mrs Berry and Mrs Stokes to hear about their child’s new class.

Whole School Sports Day
Please bring a picnic to St Benedict School’s field. Races will begin at 6pm.

Nursery-Reception Transition Meeting
Parents of children starting Reception in September can come into school and meet with Mrs Snowdon to hear about their child’s new class.

Reception-KS1 Transition Meeting
Parents of children who are moving into Year 1 in September can come into school and meet with Mrs Edwards and Mrs Butler to hear about their child’s new class.

Transition Morning
Children will spend the morning in their new classes. All children starting school in Sept 2024 are also welcome to attend.

School Photos
Coral and Stone Photography will be in school to take photos of the children. Please send children in their normal uniform. Younger siblings and nursery children are welcome to come for photos at 9am.

School Disco
Children from Reception to Year 6 are welcome to our Disco. Please make sure you’ve confirmed attendance in advance.